Your Checklist Before The Rebranding Leap

What is rebranding? There might be more options than you think…
Rebranding is not just about changing a logo. It covers all the possible ways to go about enhancing a brand experience. Actually, you may not need to change your logo, at all.
We talk about Brand Overhaul (or Revamp) when the entire brand gets updated: logo, story, collaterals, maybe even the name! On the other side, Brand Consolidation and Brand Extension are taking the existing brand assets (for instance, the logo, the name, aspects of your internal personality, etc.) and turning it into an integral, consistent and immersive brand experience. Your brand becomes a strong asset for your business, now and in the future.
How to Decide when Rebranding is Right for Your Business

Many of entrepreneurs are finding rebranding challenging – so we have compiled our key learnings in a two-part article. First: how to decide on making the jump.
Let’s talk about Pitching! (Part 3)

What’s the most challenging part?
As the industry has taken to asking for strategy or naming as part of the pitch. These things come from teamwork and collaboration with a client, two things that are missing from a pitch set up. As such, pitching brand strategy becomes guess work. Unlike the advertising industry, there is no media spend to balance out the risk.
Let’s talk about Pitching!(Part 2)

Do you like to pitch? of course not! Fear of the unknown is a human instinct. A pitch is typically something that takes a lot of time and effort but may not pay off. It’s really scary to be in front of so many people and tell them about our ideas.
When is it time to refocus, revise or rebrand?

Thread Newsletter – June Edition We’re hitting the half way mark in 2019, usually around this time those who’ve made new years resolutions and then fell off the wagon are wondering if they can kick start them again or make it more realistic. To them we say, good luck! Don’t feel so bad though, sometimes […]