Marketing materials design
A blend of 17 South American herbs and botanicals creates Cocalero, the perfect party elixir!
Creative Direction
Brochure Design
After in-depth market research, we strategized key marketing techniques to best target this unique audience. From there, we decided to go with a ‘party drink’ direction- putting Cocalero in a “shots as a ritual” type atmosphere. Key visuals reflect our marketing strategy with a vibrant carnival of Latin American characters crowded behind the Cocalero bartender.
在深入市场调研及分析后,我们找出最能打动此独特群体的策略,以‘派对饮料’为方向- 将Cocalero打造成“将享用一杯酒视为一种仪式”的氛围。主视觉反映了我们的营销策略:由活力四射像是参加嘉年华会的拉丁美洲主角们,以及其后的Cocalero调酒师所组成。
Now an internationally recognized party elixir, Thread created a captivating brand story and then brought it to life by orchestrating tantalizing key visuals in a photo shoot. Then, we designed and developed a fully responsive interactive website.