Saigon Mama

Brand Creation

Saigon Mama is a Vietnamese restaurant that believes in great authentic Vietnamese food, making people LOVE Vietnamese food. Because we love branding as much as they love Vietnamese food, we created a retro logo, a series of Mother inspired illustrations for their walls and an attractive menu for food lovers.


For a full article on how we approached this project, check out CreativeHunt’s interview with our creative director. In an ongoing series to discover the thoughts and meanings that go into the visuals of Shanghai’s restaurants and bars – when branding meets interior design.


“Authentic taste”, “Secret family recipe”… Not the most outstanding claim, however Saigon Mama’s owners had mum in the kitchen and were certain that they were the true authentic taste of Vietnam, we agreed!


We’d love to be able to create a project like Saigon MaMa Brand Creation with your company. If you’d like us to be part of your team, and create something incredible, get in touch.