Why all the love for product cross overs and collaborations?

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  Especially from the Gen Z’s and Y’s? Well if ya think about it, traditional brands can easily come off a bit boring, safe and stale. Yet on the other side, you’ve got a young fresh brand that has the ability to surprise and fuel social media-worthy content. When done well, a collaboration will help […]

China’s Generation Z: They’re young, entitled and have cash to burn

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Thread Newsletter – August Edition It’s back to school season and as parents are nervously getting their kids, teens and young adults ready for school, we’ve turned our attention to that exact same group. Why you might ask? Well this group, called Generation Z (born between 1997 to 2016), is a force to be reckoned […]

When is it time to refocus, revise or rebrand?

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Thread Newsletter – June Edition We’re hitting the half way mark in 2019, usually around this time those who’ve made new years resolutions and then fell off the wagon are wondering if they can kick start them again or make it more realistic. To them we say, good luck! Don’t feel so bad though, sometimes […]

China’s Changing Vegetarian and Vegan Market

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Thread Newsletter – April Edition More than a decade ago in Shanghai, your typical vegetarian options were probably a sad cheese sandwich, an over-priced bowl of lettuce with carrots and tomatoes, or a plain bowl of noodles. A vegan meal? It was almost impossible to get your hands on a decent one, but today – […]

Pigs, Pork and Peppa – Happy Chinese New Year!

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Thread Newsletter – Chinese New Year Edition     Read the full newsletter here and catch our top 10 new years predictions   Catch up on past newsletters Busy? Read our digest of this month’s F&B Insights and Trends on Sustainability  How China’s Vegetarian/Vegan Market is changing and why it matters Don’t miss another edition […]

Boxing Cat Sells to AB InBev

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Although we would love to take credit for building a brand that just sold to a global giant – the recognition can only go to Lee, Kelley, and Michael; the owners of this successful Shanghai craft brewery. Their hard work and determination helped the business become noticed in a city where it is difficult to […]

Ten things we’ve learnt in a decade of Thread

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Advice for our competitors! by our creative director, Ben Weldon It’s been a whole decade since Thread was born in Shanghai and it’s been a thoroughly enjoyable bumpy ride! With so much to learn and so few people to learn from, we’ve had to learn as we go. From the early days when Louise and I founded […]

Mercedes Me Beijing Visual Identity

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Earlier this year Mercedes Me engaged us to create the branding for their new project. The Beijing development is the largest of the their newly established lifestyle brand experiences, a mammoth 5,000sqm space in the capital’s Sanlitun district marks the their first in Mainland China and follows launches in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Hamburg, Milan, and Munich. More than […]


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Congratulations guys! After 2 years of success in HongMei, Fat Cow is now coming to downtown. Prepare yourself for the best burgers north of YanAn. Our brand concept of a rich cow, a play on fat cats, uses a combination of US dollar bills and the Chinese 100 Yuan note to create a unique identity […]